Changed by calling.

I found everything through serving the Lord in MFC Kids Section.

Back then, I always get a low grade in reporting because it was really hard for me to speak in front of other people. It’s as if I feel like there are a lot of rats running around my chest that it makes my hands and feet tremble. I was really afraid of getting embarrassed and I didn’t have any confidence in myself at all. 

Enduring the kids’ “kakulitan” and constantly being reminded by our couple coordinators to love the kids endlessly have taught me to serve not according to my mind, but to my heart because it will exhaust the mind in trying to figure out how to love constantly and tirelessly. However, when you put and use your heart into everything that you do, you’ll feel like all eventually seems easier. I started to strive to be a better person, not only for myself, but also for the sake of Christ’s call for me to be a good role model to the kids that we interact with.  

It all changed when I introduced myself to the kids. I was trying to figure out how to be “pogi” or cheerful enough for them but, truly, the noise and energy of these kids are extraordinary. They want everything said repeatedly and loudly until I got used to speaking in front of them and mastered how to get their attention. I needed to learn how to adjust rightly to their short listening/attention span. 

It is in the kids that I find the purest and truest kind of overflowing love that never seems to run out which is probably where I learned how to love everything. We (heart champs) thought that we are the ones who teach the children how to be a good child and an obedient follower of God but I think it is the children are the reason why we have spiritually grown and it is them who motivates us to be excellent in everything that we do. 

I am Gil Estoperez. This is where God led me to be guided, loved and taught how to love more. I will spend my whole life serving God through the kids because the best version of this Gil wouldn’t be here without this service.

A Sharing by Gil Estoperez
Heartchamp | NCR Central

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